Except worse. I've been working on recabling my cranial interior lately, and I've decided to get the useful stuff written down somewhere so that someday, when I'm gone, it will still be taking up zeroes and ones in a remote, forgotten web archive.
By "useful," I mean things that will help other people. I'm primarily interested in leadership, personal success, and building a better network. I'm also disenfranchised with the political system, so I'll weigh in on that occasionally. Bottom line: I've benefited a lot during my career and I don't want to horde it. I hope that you find some of this useful.
I'm eager for comments on my posts, and if you find anything helpful or even enjoyable, please share it with others.
If you like what you see, I'm available for public speaking and consulting on any of the topics that I discuss here. I'm happy to talk about the great leadership examples that I've been fortunate to have learned from, my path to self-improvement and self-discovery, and of course anything related to global information technology management.
Some of my previous engagements include:
If you like what you see, I'm available for public speaking and consulting on any of the topics that I discuss here. I'm happy to talk about the great leadership examples that I've been fortunate to have learned from, my path to self-improvement and self-discovery, and of course anything related to global information technology management.
Some of my previous engagements include:
- Information Security graduate students at Stanford University
- Network technologies and project management at San Jose State University
- Various speaking and teaching engagements for church-related university and youth functions
- Consulting engagements with executives of Bay Area organizations